Logo Design, Brand Identity graphics by Trapik Media Interaktib

Pinoy Sports Custom Logo Design

Pinoy Sports Custom Logo Design.

This logo design for Philippine sport newsportal, PinoySports.PH was made using Adobe Illustrator CS2. The design and color scheme were based on the red, white, blue, and yellow colors of the Philippine flag.

A regular Acknowledgement font was used for the characters PINO in red and PORTS in blue. The characters Y and S were styled to form the Philippine flag along with the sun to provide the defining aspect of the sports logo.

The logo design components were then merged placing the Y and S flag at the middle of the characters PINO and PORTS thus completing the word PINOYSPORTS. This approach yielded a custom logo that incorporated the letters of the web site and country-specific design elements that incorporated the patriotism aspect and ideals of the site.

Logo Artist: Enrique Sevilla
Logo Art Director: Gerry Diwa
Logo graphic design software: Adobe Illustrator CS2

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