Trapik Media offers design, consultancy and Internet Marketing services that will increase visitors to your web site via Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Link Building, Search Engine Friendly coding best practice.

Graphic Designer For Print & Web

October 9th, 2009

GRAPHIC DESIGNER (PRINT & WEB) A. Job Description GRAPHIC DESIGNER (PRINT & WEB): 1. Graphic Designer for Print – Design and Layout of Brochures, Logos, Posters, T-shirts and other creative materials with mostly print as final output. – Knowledge of various printing process: offset, inkjet, digital. – Knowledge of various paper stock 2. Graphic Designer […]

MP3.PH Domain Name Acquired by Trapik Media

October 2nd, 2009

The domain name MP3.PH has been successfully acquired by Trapik Media as of October 2, 2009. “MP3” is an all time top 20 most popular and most searched keyword on the entire Internet universe. Related terms are “free mp3”, “mp3 download” and “mp3 players”. Trapik Media will quickly develop the MP3.Ph domain name into a […]

Philippine Florist E-commerce Site Get SEO Makeover.

April 21st, 2009

Florabella is an Philippine Florist e-commerce website that offers flowers and gifts delivery via an Internet store. It has been receiving its fair share of organic traffic in its first two years of operation but its rankings has suffered in recent times due to the increased competition level and SEO sophistication of its rival Philippine […]

Webmaster Skilled in WordPress and Php

April 20th, 2009

09-Job-02 TrapikMedia will resume the development of it’s own web sites about the Philippines, business, food, sports, music, entertainment, jewelry and more SEO’d web sites that draw organic traffic from search engines. The selected candidate will work directly with our President who has ten years experience in Internet marketing and e-commerce. The Webmaster tasks include […]

Blogger SEO Writer

April 20th, 2009

09-Job-01 For immediate hiring. Trapik Media is looking for a Blogger SEO Writer who can help breathe life to our blogs which while dormant has been steadily climbing traffic charts thanks to the initial optimized content and SE friendly site architecture. The selected candidate will work directly under and with our President who has ten […]

Robots.txt revisited. Also, which robots to disallow?

August 27th, 2008

We’ve been switching servers and web hosting for a lot of web sites in the last 3 weeks. We’ve allotted a healthy dose of bandwidth to these site’s new shared hosting accounts knowing that upload bandwidth can be counted in the traffic even though one of our dedicated server providers don’t count incoming FTP traffic. So we were surprised to find that one of the sites we recently moved had already eaten up the 5Gig of bandwidth assigned to it, this is a 54MB site powered by WordPress where all if not most content are text blobs on the database. A quick look at the Webalizer traffic logs (provided on cPanel) revealed visits from trusted and known web robots as well as a new surprise entry….

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